The Playful Path to Healing
Welcome to "The Playful Path to Healing," where joy meets transformation on your journey to deeper self-awareness. Joy Coach Shannon, a certified Hypnotherapist, experienced Healer, and Intuitive Coach, invites you every Wednesday to discover how healing can indeed be fun!
Whether you’re a newcomer to spiritual practices or an experienced leader seeking to elevate your journey, Joy Coach Shannon offers energizing insights and techniques to connect with your Higher Self. She’s here to remind you that YES, healing can be fun! Each episode promises to uplift, empower, and inspire, leaving you equipped to embrace your own intuitive guidance and transformative healing. For more info about Shannon Connect With Higher Self | The Higher Self Life
The Playful Path to Healing
Transform Your Life by Communicating with Your Body
Join Shannon for Part 1 of her Body Spirit Communication series. What if your body could become your most trusted ally on your spiritual journey? Join us as we uncover the secrets to harmonizing spiritual intuition with physical body resistance, sharing practical techniques to soothe and communicate with your body daily. Discover why our survival instincts often resist even positive changes and learn how to reassure your body of its safety, leading to a more harmonious co-creation on your spiritual path. We wrap up this enlightening segment with a mini message from the higher self through crystal guidance, offering deeper insights into your healing process.
Struggling with letting go of control and chasing perfection? You’re not alone. Our second chapter is tailored for listeners like Natalie, guiding you through the liberating process of releasing the need to prove your worth. Embrace your inherent lovability and value, shedding societal pressures that hinder personal and professional growth. Visualize a more relaxed and enjoyable work environment with our practical mindset shifts. Finally, Joy Coach Shannon leads an inspiring journey of playful healing, encouraging you to recognize your worth and shine brightly. Through self-love and transformative experiences, we invite you to embark on a joyous path to personal growth and healing.
Thanks for listening! For more info, please visit www.thehigherselflife.com
To the Playful Path to Healing with Joy Coach Shannon. Our hearts are reeling. Yes, healing can be fun. That's our creed On this joyful journey. We'll plant the seed, so come along and join the fun with.
Speaker 2:Joy.
Speaker 1:Coach Shannon, our healing's just begun.
Speaker 2:And greetings, welcome to the Playful Path to Healing. I'm your host, joy Coach Shannon, and this is episode number two. If you are someone who loves everything spirituality, intuition, healing and shining as your authentic self this show was created for you. Greetings, I'm Joy Coach Shannon and I have been working as a spiritual teacher, intuitive life coach, healer and hypnotherapist for over 21 years, and my passion is helping you connect with your wise, higher self so you can tap into your intuition and healing abilities to create an authentic, joy-filled life. Now, I have so many different tools I use to help you, and now I'm following my intuition to share spiritual tools and wisdom on my podcast, so I want you to think of this podcast like a fun spiritual healing school that helps you co-create with spirit. Now, each week, I have a new topic and spiritual tool to help you heal and listen to your intuition, and today we're kicking off on one of my favorite topics, which is body spirit communication, and this is going to be a series to help you, as spirit, co-create in your physical body.
Speaker 2:Now, ultimately, it's important to note you are spirit and you are temporarily playing in your current body. You, as spirit, are an infinite being, continuing on and on long after you leave your physical body. You, as spirit, love everything growth, expansion and new. You are all about change. Now, on the flip side, your body is polar opposite of you as spirit. Your body has emotions and its main goal is to simply stay alive. In fact, your physical body views all change, whether happy or crappy, as a form of death. And this is why every time you get excited to do something, to start something new whether say, like an exercise program, new job, leave a bad relationship, your body will try to sabotage it through strong negative thinking, powerful emotions of fear, worry, doubt, body aches all to act as a form of protection for you. For example, in my first episode I answered Anne's email letter and she was wondering why every time she goes to do that thing she loves, she never gets to it.
Speaker 2:Well, anne, here is the second part of your question. I call this spirit body competition. It's when you, as spirit, receive that intuitive guidance that gets you so excited, passionate and enthusiastic, and then, as you start to move forward, the body kicks in with a negative, nelly attitude to try to talk you out of whatever you're doing. And this may be through distractions, like maybe you're just sitting there and you're like, oh, I should go call my friend, or maybe I should get on Facebook, or maybe I should go play a game. Or, oh man, I have a lot of laundry to do. Or you may even find yourself starting to do binge eating, emotional eating. You get the point your body and spirit are basically having a tug of war on who gets to be the boss.
Speaker 2:So what can you do when this happens to help soothe your body's angst? First of all, you want you, as spirit, to be the ruler of the show, and you can do this by talking to your body through what I call body spirit communication. So, for example, every morning, you can talk to your body and let it know what you have planned. For example, I let my body know today okay, body, we're recording episode number two today and you are completely safe to do this. And after you tell your body what's up, you can listen to your body by asking your body how it feels about whatever you're sharing. So, for example, my body went into the mode of oh man, it's sunny out, I want to play today, I don't want to just work all day. And that's when I turned within and told my body okay, body. This is all I'm having you do today, and then we will just be able to rest, enjoy the afternoon sunshine and just be. And this actually soothed my body and I was able to get into the podcast to record it. You see, our body's like a three-year-old child who always wants to know the answers of where are we going, what are we doing, who's going to be there? Why are we doing this? How are we going to do this? Is it safe? And you can calm your body by talking to it ahead of time.
Speaker 2:Now, another thing you can do to boost your spirit body communication is to celebrate when your body accomplishes something you did. For example, when I get done with recording, I tell my body good job, body, you did it. Or if I work out, I say, wow, way to go, body, you finished your workout. I know this sounds silly, but whenever you do this, your body feels appreciated and it feels like you're listening to it. So this week, I want you to practice talking to your body First thing in the morning when you wake up, say Good morning body. Today we're going to do the following things you are safe, you're not dying, I got your back. This is the first step of spirit body communication, and I'm going to continue to teach you some awesome tools to help you co-create in your body in the next episode.
Speaker 2:Okay, that brings us to messages from your higher self, and this week I pulled three different crystals and asked higher self for a mini message for each of them. So now it's your turn to use your intuition, okay, so I want you to imagine there are three doors in front of you and there's a crystal behind each one. So are you going to be drawn to door number one, door number two or door number three? Okay, trust the answer that you get. If you chose door number one, your higher self has a message through hematite and is sharing this you are meant to stay grounded, just like this sturdy stone. You possess inner strength, so it's time for you to embrace your strength, protect your energy and face life's challenges with confidence. You're stronger than you think.
Speaker 2:And if you chose door number two, your higher self is channeling a message through Bixbyte and it's saying embrace your passion and courage. B Spite reminds you to follow your heart fearlessly, pursue your dreams and unleash your inner fire. Trust yourself, ignite your ambitions and let your true desires guide you forward. And, last but not least, if you chose door number three, your higher self is speaking through turquoise, and here's the message Find inner peace and healing. Turquoise whispers to you, urging you to connect with your inner calm, release any negativity and embrace serenity. Trust in the power of healing both within yourself and in the world around you. Let go of stress, breathe deeply and allow tranquility to wash over you, and I hope you enjoyed your weekly message.
Speaker 1:Have a question, want some advice. It's time for Ask Joy Coach.
Speaker 2:Shannon. All right, that brings me to the next segment that will be on every episode and that is Ask Joy Coach Shannon, where I choose an email question from a listener and share intuitive wisdom that comes forward. Now, if you would like to ask me a question, you can go to my website, thehireselflifecom, or email me directly at shannon at thehireselflifecom, or email me directly at shannon at thehireselflifecom, and the only requirement I ask is that you don't ask for a prediction question, meaning I don't use my intuition to tell you, when you're going to meet that special person, what the lotto numbers are or should you leave a job or relationship. What I do best is look at questions from a healing perspective. For example, let's say you want help understanding what your body is trying to tell you with your illness, or maybe you just want to ask for more clarity on a healing or an intuitive topic. All right. So, with that being said, I have an email from Natalie in California, usa, and she wrote Hi, shannon, I'm an assistant manager at a retail store and I'm all about high work ethics.
Speaker 2:My dad instilled that in me from day one and I believe in treating others with respect and kindness and I hold myself and my colleagues to high standards, but not everyone's on the same page. Recently, a co-worker complained to my boss that I'm too rigid with my expectations. They said I needed to lighten up and enjoy my job more. My boss echoed this sentiment, saying it's good to have high expectations, but that I need to ease up a bit. They think I'm too focused on every little detail and need to let go of perfectionism. I take pride in my work and get frustrated when I see my colleagues slacking off. It feels like a reflection of my leadership and it's tough not to feel supported by my manager. So what's my lesson here? Aren't high expectations a good thing? First of all, natalie, yes, having high expectations are a good thing. However, when you ask what's your lesson, or healing opportunity as I like to call it here, there are a few messages coming through and I'm just going to tell you right now. We could actually spend an entire healing session together over the phone with this question, but let me share what I'm picking up intuitively. That will help you now.
Speaker 2:Now, of course, I feel there are never accidents to the questions that come forward, as I believe they can also help other listeners who are going through the same thing. So, right now, natalie, and all those listening, if you want to get into a healing space where you can release energy that no longer serves you, I want you to visualize a grounding cord traveling from the base of your spine and going all the way down into the center of the earth's core and, attaching. You're going to use this as kind of like a garbage disposal to release the energy that no longer serves you. Okay, so, with that being said, the first image that I'm being shown is the symbol of you as a little girl wanting to please and receive validation from your dad. I see you as somebody who worked very hard in school, followed the rules, you did your chores, and then I'm seeing the symbol of your dad giving you kudos and telling you how good you are for doing that, and I see that being a pattern that you created inside you, where you started to seek validation outside yourself instead of just knowing that you are completely lovable, valuable and worthy just by being you. Valuable and worthy just by being you. You don't have to prove yourself to the world, natalie. You are enough just as you are. So right now, wow, I can feel that big in my body. So I know that's a big deal to you. So right now, I want you to take a deep breath and take a moment to hold the intention to release any programming that says you have to prove your value, your worth, your lovability to those outside yourself. Natalie, you don't even need to know what this is that you're holding on to, just let it go down your grounding. The thing with energy healing is your intention makes it so. So right now, as you're inhaling and exhaling, just let go all that programming that says you have to prove yourself to the world. You don't. You are already lovable, you are already worthy, you are already valuable.
Speaker 2:All right, and the next lesson that you have that I bet many of our listeners have is that need to strive for perfection. You see, we didn't come into this world to experience perfection. Our souls came in to just experience. It loves to color outside the lines, to be messy, outside the lines, to be messy. Those are the times we grow the most. In fact, many of us actually let perfection pictures, as I call them, paralyze us, meaning we may not even put out our dreams or desires out into the world until we feel like they're perfect enough, because we have this inner fear of being judged or rejected by the world.
Speaker 2:So right now, natalie, and everyone who matches with her, take a deep breath and give yourself permission to let go any need to be perfect down your grounding Again. You don't need to know what it is or where it came from, simply say, okay, body, we don't have to be perfect. I give you permission to be messy, to loosen up and have more fun creating from a space of amusement and lightness, body and feel all that energy that no longer serves you going right down your grounding cord. And one thing that can really help you with this is to continue to talk to your body. Let your body know that it is lovable just as it is. It doesn't need to be perfect. You accept you warts and all.
Speaker 2:Now, of course, when it comes to your work, natalie, know that although you have a leadership position, it does not mean that you have to try to control others energetically Meaning. Each person comes forward to this lifetime with their skill sets, desires, passions, and we don't all match, thank goodness. And one thing I feel is your colleague is giving you a gift to give yourself permission to lighten up and enjoy your job more, and, of course, that doesn't mean stop doing a good job at your job, but it does give you an opportunity to look at where you can lighten up and not take it too serious. I have a great example for this, because I once worked for a pet shop where the boss was meticulous and before we left to go home at work we had to line up every dog food bag, cat food cans, etc. In perfect order to almost look like a museum of perfection. I'm telling you, she made us beat the dog food bags down so they were all the same size and dimensions and I'm going to tell you, while it did look meticulous it stressed some colleagues out it wasn't something that was required of the store, but my manager really enjoyed the kudos she got from her manager coming in and she fed off that praise. However, she had all the colleagues sweating the tedious perfection details that she actually lost half her staff due to the pressure of job. That could have been, and should have been, a lot more fun.
Speaker 2:So where in your job are you giving too much energy to details that, in the long run, really aren't that important? Give that some reflection. And finally, when others feel us energetically trying to control them, it can cause them to resist and fight against our energies. And I know parents see this, teachers see this, bosses see this, see this. Teachers see this, bosses see this.
Speaker 2:So what I want you to do is visualize the next time you're at work, actually just see your hands in the air and visualize dropping any reins of control you have with your colleagues. For example, just go in and go okay, body, we are dropping control, we are not going to try to control them. And then I want you to see yourself calling back all your energy into your space and to do that. You just hold the intention that all your energy is going back into your bubble, so that you're gonna be controlling only your energy. What's going on there? And then I want you to shift your mindset to noticing what your colleagues are doing correctly or right, instead of what they aren't doing good enough, because we all feel it when someone is judging us, even if they don't say it. And I'm going to tell you this right now. I guarantee, when you start paying attention to those things that your colleagues are doing correctly and you acknowledge that within them, you're going to see your colleagues soften up around you because you're validating them. Plus, I bet you're going to find your own energy, relax more, especially when you aren't using your energy to try to create outside of your own energy bubble.
Speaker 2:So, natalie, your assignment this week is to give yourself permission to let go, control and perfection. Talk to your body this week and validate yourself on all the things you're doing correctly. Remind your body that you are enough and you don't have to prove your lovability to anyone but yourself, and I guarantee you will start to feel yourself shift. And the cool thing is, when we make shifts on the inside, our outer world shifts too. So I really do feel like you're going to notice your work-life shift too. So thank you, natalie, for writing in shift too. So thank you, natalie, for writing in. Again.
Speaker 2:I want to say if you have a question for me, please go to thehireselflifecom. There you can send me an email via my contact page. And, of course, another way to keep in touch with my upcoming shows and specials is to sign up for my newsletter by visiting thehireselflifecom and sign up right on the front page. And, for extra fun, everyone who signs up will be able to grab a psychic jukebox song message. Oh my gosh, these are so much fun.
Speaker 2:When you sign up, simply visualize that you are in front of the big virtual jukebox and there's numbers, one through 100. You're just going to choose a number you're drawn to, then send your number to me when you sign up and then I'll take my 12-sided dice, roll it and see which jukebox song you get. I will then email you with your mini intuitive song message. Again, if you want your psychic jukebox song, simply visit thehireselflifecom, sign up for my newsletter and, of course, double check your spam folder to make sure it didn't end up there. With that being said, thank you so much for joining me today. I look forward to helping you on your playful healing journey. You've been listening to the Joy Coach Shannon on the Playful Path to Healing. Remember, you are amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, worthy, lovable and here to shine your light.
Speaker 1:Come along and join the fun With Joy Coach Shannon. Our healing's just begun.