The Playful Path to Healing

How Grounding Can Help You Heal

Shannon Knight Season 1 Episode 3

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Join Shannon for Part 2 of her Body Spirit Communication series. Today's episode is all about grounding. Do you often feel spacey, anxious, or fatigued? Could grounding be the missing link in your spiritual healing and intuitive growth? Join me, Joy Coach Shannon, as we unravel the profound practice of grounding and its transformative effects on your well-being and connection to your higher self. From spending time in nature to engaging in physical exercise and visualization techniques, we'll dig into various methods to help you establish a strong grounding cord connecting you to the Earth's core. Plus, we’ll discuss the necessity of adjusting your grounding practices to match your evolving vibration, ensuring continuous progress on your healing journey.

In the second segment, I share an intimate narrative from my upbringing in a religious family and the significant shift from my mother's Baptist beliefs to atheism. This journey led to a heart-opening moment with a compassionate Baptist reverend, prompting me to confront and release my own judgments. Together, we'll explore the powerful lesson of non-judgment and the importance of embracing everyone's unique spiritual path, fostering love and understanding within our communities. Tune in to discover how letting go of judgment can create a ripple effect, inspiring those around you to follow suit and find their own spiritual truth.

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Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Playful Path to Healing. I'm your host, joy Coach Shannon, and this is episode number three. If you are someone who absolutely loves everything spirituality, intuition, healing and shining as your authentic self this show was created just for you. Greetings, I'm Joy Coach Shannon and I've been working as a spiritual teacher, intuitive life coach, healer and hypnotherapist for over 21 years now. My passion is helping you connect with your wise, higher self so you can tap into your intuition and healing abilities to create an authentic, joy-filled life. I have so many different tools that I use to help you, and now I'm following my intuition to share spiritual tools and wisdom on my podcast. So I want you to think of this podcast like a fun spiritual healing school that helps you co-create with spirit, and each week I have a new topic and spiritual tool to help you heal and listen to your intuition.

Speaker 2:

And today, on this episode, we are continuing with my Body Spirit Communication series to help you, as a spirit, co-create with your physical body. And today it is all about grounding. We are electromagnetic beings and, just like we know, electricity needs to be grounded, otherwise we can get hurt. We need to feel safe. Well, that's the same with us in our own energetic bodies. We need to be grounded. So when people ask me, what do you think is the most important piece when it comes to healing and intuitive reading, I will always say it begins with grounding. Not only does it make your body feel safe and secure, but when you're around others, they feel safe around you too. And, plus, your grounding cord offers you an opportunity to release any energy from your energetic system that no longer serves you, from your energetic system that no longer serves you.

Speaker 2:

So here are some signs that you're not grounded. You might be feeling spacey, floaty, anxious, feeling like you aren't in your body. You might feel both fatigued and overstimulated at the same time. You might have your mind racing from thought to thought and maybe you just can't focus or concentrate on what's in front of you. You might find yourself feeling like it's so difficult to complete tasks. You might jump from one thing to another or feel like you just can't connect and understand what people are saying. Also, when you're ungrounded, decision making feels impossible and you might also become more of a pushover, easier to manipulate by others. When you're not grounded, or and this is a big one you may even take on other people's emotions and energy and start to feel overwhelmed, frazzled or stressed. And here's one thing that I've noticed with a lot of people If you feel ungrounded, your body naturally wants to feel grounded. So you may find yourself being drawn to overeat in attempts to feel more grounded. And, on the flip side, if you are truly grounded, you will feel connected and in touch with yourself. Your mind and body feel aligned, you're in tune with your surroundings and are aware of what's going on around you. There's a feeling of calmness around you. You'll notice that the people and animals around you, they kind of feel safe and they gravitate towards you. You may even hear people say wow, I just feel really good and calm around you right now. Plus, when you're grounded, this is when you can receive your divine messages from spirit and your higher self. And another thing is, your boundaries are stronger when you are grounded. You're not a pushover that can be manipulated. So when you hear both of these descriptions, where do you see yourself right now?

Speaker 2:

Because no matter if you're seasoned in spiritual healing work or just beginning, we can all use grounding, tlc and guess what? There are different ways we can nurture and ground ourselves. For example, you can get out into nature, surround yourself around trees and water and just breathe this in. This will help ground you. Another thing you can do is get physical exercise walk, dance, move your body to get grounded. A lot of times when I'd find myself getting grumpy or frazzled, I would go oh, I'm just going to go on a walk. And instantly when you start walking, all that energy grounds down and you start to feel more present. But of course, my favorite way is to use energetic technique of grounding and to do this, you simply visualize creating a grounding cord from the base of your spine. Send it all the way down into the center of Mother Earth's core and attach. This instantly allows you to ground. And, of course, if you want to strengthen your grounding, hold the intention to send more light and energy down your grounding cord with the intention to strengthen your grounding. And I'll tell you, I can tell when I'm doing this exercise, because I actually physically feel like my bottom gets heavier and I start to feel myself, just feel like I'm more present.

Speaker 2:

Now, if you are someone who is doing energy healing and presently shifting your life, you will find that your vibration is increasing, which is great. But whenever this happens, you need to make sure that your grounding cord matches your new vibration. So let's try this together. Are you ready? Right now, I want you to hold the intention to drop your old grounding cord. Just drop it. And then I want you to hold the intention to create a new grounding cord from the base of your spine, with the intention that the strength is strong enough. It's wide enough to match your current high vibration. Now, what this is going to do is it's going to allow your body to feel safe, protected and fully present as you continue along your healing journey. Now you'll know when you have to do this in the future, when you start to notice your body experiencing signs of being ungrounded or you just get that intuitive hit like hmm, I think I need to drop my grounding and get a present one.

Speaker 2:

Now here's a cool thing. Did you know that people will naturally match the highest vibration in the room? So by you choosing to heal yourself through grounding and being kind to your body, your vibration goes up and those all around you subconsciously will take note and shift their energy because they're in your presence. They won't even realize they're doing it.

Speaker 2:

Now, I used to do this as a school teacher in middle school and let me tell you, there can be a lot of ungroundedness during puberty time.

Speaker 2:

What I would do is I would hold the intention to always make sure that I was grounded, and I would notice that when the students were in the hallway they were all rowdy, and then, as soon as they entered my classroom, they start to shift and start to ground, and I would notice that they would calm down and they would feel more present. So I seen that firsthand. So I'm going to suggest you try this and just be aware how the people feel and behave around you after you have grounded yourself. Now finally, of course, you can use your grounding cord to release any energy that no longer serves you down your grounding cord to be recycled into Mother Earth. You don't even need to know what it is you're holding on to, but your wise higher self will know what you are ready to release. So trust that process. So right now, I suggest releasing anything that would get in the way of you remembering to ground and let go anything that would keep you from staying grounded. Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, just know it is being released instantly.

Speaker 1:

It's time for Messages from your Higher Self.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that brings us to our next segment of the show Messages from your Higher Self. And this week I sat down and asked my higher self for a mini message for each of the three doors. So now it is your turn to use your intuition. Turn to use your intuition. You're going to pick either door number one, door number two and door number three. Just take a moment and feel which one of those has a message for you.

Speaker 2:

Okay, if you chose door number one, your higher self has shared that it is time to do the thing you've been saying. Oh, I would really like to do this someday. It is no accident that you keep thinking about it. It wants to be created by you just as much as you want to create it. So this is your permission to do it. Bring it to fruition. The universe has your back.

Speaker 2:

If you chose door number two, your higher self has shared that you are not your negative thoughts. In fact, those thoughts are just your body's fears and worries. So, instead of pushing them down and trying to resist them, imagine yourself hugging that part that is expressing those negative thoughts. See yourself grabbing all those negative thoughts, sending love to your inner self and letting your body know I hear you body and it's okay. I see you are trying to protect me, but the truth is we are safe. Thank you for sharing, and you can release these negative thoughts now, take a deep breath and know you are loved.

Speaker 2:

If you chose door number three, your higher self is sharing that it is time to slow down, get grounded, be fully present in your life. It's easy to get caught up in the go, go, go energy where you don't even take time to listen to your body or even take time to receive the divine messages that want to come in. So right now, take some time out to pause and listen to what your body needs from you to feel more balanced. I hope you enjoyed your messages this week.

Speaker 1:

Have a question, want some advice. It's time for Ask Joy.

Speaker 2:

Coach Shannon. All right, that brings me to the next segment that will be on every episode and that is Ask Joy, coach Shannon, where I choose an email question from a listener and share intuitive wisdom that comes forward. If you would like to ask me a question, you can go to my website, thehigherselflifecom, or email me directly at Shannon at thehireselflifecom. The only requirement I ask is that it's not a prediction question, meaning I don't use my intuition to tell you when you'll meet that special person, if you'll win the lotto or should you leave a job. What I do best is look at questions from a healing perspective. For example, let's say you want help understanding why you got fired from your job, or you can even ask me for more clarity on a healing technique I mentioned on the show. All right, so, with that being said, I do have an email from Jen in Georgia, usa, and that just also brings me to let you know that I promise to only use your first name and location. That way, you don't have to worry about your friends or family figuring it out. But back to Jen. Jen writes Hi, shannon, I love everything spiritual chakras, past lives, crystals, numerology, angel numbers, astrology, tarot cards you name it. I love it.

Speaker 2:

However, I was born into a family of very religious folks. I grew up in the church, and I was always taught that what I love is of the devil, so I keep everything I do now a secret for fear of being judged. When I'm over at my family's house, I can't help but realize how much they buy into the strict church teachings and want to help them break away to see that their version causes more fear and judgment in the world. I'm so conflicted because I believe we are all born with our own gifts. I feel like I'm a teacher of some sorts, and I feel like I could teach my family a different path other than the church. What do you see intuitively? Was I born to? Help heal my family and get them to see the church isn't the right path. I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks, aha, I have been here myself. I mean, as you can see, I also love anything to do with spirituality. As you can see, I also love anything to do with spirituality, and the difference was, though, I was born into a family where my mom was raised as a Baptist when she was a little girl, and she was so passionate she was going door to door as a young teenager in attempts to save people. However, fast forward, as she got a little older, she started to see the church as very strict, judgmental, and she really programmed my sister and I. That church, especially the Baptist church, is all about brainwashing. And she actually swung to atheist afterwards and raised us believing that you live, you die and then you become worm food. And the funny thing is is I never bought into the atheist thing. But I realize now that her programming about the Baptists being judgmental really, really ran deep in me.

Speaker 2:

And I can remember in my early 20s when I went to go dress up as a strawberry at a health conference. I was having a really heated conversation with a friend when we were talking about religion and I was telling her why the Baptists were the worst, so judgmental, thinking everyone who was into spirituality is of the devil. And I was telling her, oh, they're just so bad. And the interesting thing is that same day I had an hour drive back from the health conference to get home and as I started driving I noticed my car starting to pull and so I pulled into the nearest rest stop and checked out my tires and noticed that one of them was starting to deflate, and back then there were no cell phones. And the one thing I was grateful for is I noticed there was a small group selling cookies and punch, and so when I went over there the guy was like, oh, what's going on? And I was telling him something's wrong with my tire. And so the gentleman comes over and he volunteers to help me change the tire. But as he opens my trunk he realizes that my spare has been moved, so he let me borrow his to get back home. And I was so incredibly grateful. And he says to me you know what? I don't want any money for this, but in return I want you to attend my Baptist church. And he handed me a pamphlet. It turns out not only did this guy want me to go to the Baptist church, but he was the actual reverend. Right after I thanked him, I got into the car. Right after I thanked him. I got into the car and I had realized that I had been judging and bad-mouthing Baptist all day long due to my programming for my mom's upbringing. And here the Reverend of the Baptist Church saved my butt that day. He was so kind and generous and understanding and I'm just going to tell you I laughed so incredibly hard and on my way back I said, okay, okay, I get it. I was so busy worrying about being judged by the Baptists that I was busy judging them.

Speaker 2:

And the truth is we all have our own divine paths. No matter if you're Baptist, mormon, presbyterian Catholic, each person has their own sacred connection with God, creator, universe, the Divine, however you want to call it. Our job isn't to judge and say our way is the best and only path. That, because I was born different than you, my way is the correct way. I really got that. I mean, this is when I truly started to get that.

Speaker 2:

When you allow everyone to have their own personal spiritual journey, without judgment, and just work on healing yourself, being your best version, being loving to yourself, that your energy naturally heals and changes the world. So, jen, back to you and your family. Although intuitively I do get you're a natural teacher, I get that you teach best through example. When you follow your heart, your passions, do what you love, your joy automatically goes up and this in turn gives permission to those around you to follow their hearts, passions and do what they love. Your gift that you can give your family is to see their connection to the church with a space of non-judgment. Even though it isn't your passion or calling to be part of the church, it doesn't mean that your family isn't getting something from it. And so one healing you can do right now, jen and anyone else who finds themselves in the same spot as Jen, is visualize creating your grounding cord and hold the intention to let go any judgment you have towards your family, especially connected to the church. See all that judgment easily and effortlessly leaving your body now. And as you let go that judgment, let go the fear of judgment you have from others, especially surrounding church, let go of the fear of judgment you have from others, especially surrounding church. Again, just see all that fear of judgment from others easily leaving your body. You are going to find, when you don't throw the judgment toward your family and you let go of the fear of judgment from others, you're going to be able to feel more love flow in. You'll see your family's choice in the church as something that just is their path.

Speaker 2:

And personally, when I shifted my thinking with the religion, I noticed I got a lot less religious people coming to my door trying to persuade me to join their church. People just kind of left me alone, whereas before, family members would judge me harshly, saying I was of the devil too, and there was a healing that occurred when I stopped judging them. I didn't feel the judgment any longer coming from them. So, jen, I say continue to follow your passions. If you feel like you're a teacher, find a topic you want to teach others and teach it. Continue to heal yourself and you will heal the world.

Speaker 2:

So I want to say thank you so much for writing in. I really appreciated your question. Again, I want to say if you have a question for me, please go to thehireselflifecom. There you can send me an email via my contact page. And, of course, another way to keep in touch with my upcoming shows and specials is to sign up for my newsletter by visiting my website, thehireselflifecom, and sign up right on the front page. And for extra fun, everyone who signs up will be able to grab a Psychic Jukebox song message, and these, again, are so much fun.

Speaker 2:

When you sign up, simply visualize that you are in front of a big virtual jukebox and there are numbers 1 through 100. And I want you to choose the number that you are drawn to, then send your number to me when you sign up. I will then take my 12-sided dice, roll it and see what jukebox song you get, and then I'll email you with your mini intuitive song message. Jukebox song you get, and then I'll email you with your mini intuitive song message Again. If you want your psychic jukebox song, simply visit thehigherselflifecom and sign up for my newsletter. Double check your spam folder to make sure it didn't end up there. And, of course, with that being said, I want to say thank you so much for joining me today. Next episode, we will continue with another body spirit communication topic. I look forward to helping you on your playful healing journey. You've been listening to the Joy Coach Shannon on the Playful Path to Healing. Remember you are amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, worthy, lovable and are here to shine your light.

Speaker 1:

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh.