The Playful Path to Healing

Use Earth Energy to Overcome Fear

Shannon Knight

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Join Shannon for Part 4 of her Body Spirit Communication series.  This episode is all about learning how to run earth energy in your body to help heal yourself.  Ever wondered how going barefoot could change your life? Discover the transformative power of connecting with earth energy to overcome fears and ground yourself in our latest episode of the Playful Path to Healing. I’ll guide you through practical techniques like energy meditation and opening your foot chakras, helping you visualize earth energy traveling up your legs to release tension. We’ll also dive into how physical discomfort can signal your body's fear of moving forward, and I’ll share methods to reassure your body and spirit. 

In the second half of our journey, we explore the playful side of body-spirit communication.  Join me, Joy Coach Shannon, on the Playful Path to Healing, and let’s transform together!

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Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Playful Path to Healing. I'm your host, joy Coach Shannon, and this is episode number four. If you are someone who loves everything spirituality, intuition, healing and shining as your authentic self this show was created just for you. I'm Joy Coach Shannon and I have been working as a spiritual teacher, intuitive life coach. Shannon and I have been working as a spiritual teacher, intuitive life coach, healer and hypnotherapist for over 21 years, and my passion is helping you connect with your wise higher self so you can tap into your intuition and healing abilities to create an authentic, joy-filled life. Now I'm going to tell you I have so many different tools I use to help you and now I'm following my intuition to share spiritual tools and wisdom on my podcast. So I want you to think of this podcast like a fun spiritual healing school that helps you co-create with spirit. Now, each week, I have a plan to share a new topic and spiritual tool to help you heal and listen to your intuition. And on this episode, we are continuing with my Body Spirit Communication series to help you heal and listen to your intuition. And on this episode, we are continuing with my Body Spirit Communication series to help you, as spirit, co-create in your physical body, and today it is all about earth energy. Now, last episode we talked about grounding, and this week I want to talk about how to run earth energy in your body to not only increase your grounding, but to also release fear of moving forward in your creative adventures. Now, earth energy is the natural force that comes from the earth and you can intentionally channel it through your body to assist in helping you feel more grounded, connected and present on the planet. Now, using earth energy for self-healing can be as simple as going barefoot or lying on the ground, because when your skin touches the earth, your body absorbs electrons that are thought to reduce inflammation and balance your electromagnetic system. It's kind of like recharging your body's batteries with natural energy. And, by the way, this is a helpful hint. If you are someone who travels a lot, like you go out of the country and you suffer a lot from jet lag, doing earthing, which is taking off your shoes, and going barefoot on the ground, can actually help minimize the jet lag side effects.

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Of course, another way you can use earth energy is to do energy meditation. You want to first create that grounding cord from the base of your spine, see it going all the way down into mother earth and attaching, and then you're going to put your attention on the base of your feet. Here you have two foot chakras, one on both sides, that you can actually manipulate to open and close at will, just using your intention. So I want you to imagine that you are opening up your foot chakras as wide as it can go. In fact, these are chakras that you can actually open up fully without feeling negative effects. Now, after you have opened those up, I want you to visualize that there is earth energy coming upward from the earth into your foot chakras, then traveling up your leg channels, then arching down your main grounding cord. So you want to see this earth energy clearing your ankles of any energy that needs healing, your calves especially be mindful of your knees your thighs, hips and, of course, you're going to let it all wash down your main grounding cord.

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Now, one thing I have found in myself and my work is when people are moving forward to get ready to start something really cool, a new creation whether that's a new project, new relationship, new life you get what I'm trying to say. Whenever you're getting ready to start something new, sometimes you can experience aches and pains, stiffness in your leg channels, for example, when I get ready to do something new that my body's kind of afraid of, I'll often notice that my feet start to hurt out of nowhere or my hip tends to feel tense, and to me, of course, I know now. When this happens, I'm like, okay, this is my body's way of saying I'm scared, I'm afraid to move forward. So the body uses this to let me know, so you can use your grounding in combination with your earth energy to help that energy go. So just have that earth energy run and then you're gonna hold the intention to talk to your body and say okay, body, we're gonna be using this earth energy to release the fear of moving forward.

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It's safe to move forward courageously. You are not dying, you are safe. This new part of our life is exciting and I have your back as spirit. I promise to continue to listen to you Again. You're going to want to have that earth energy flowing up your legs, holding the intention to wash away all that fear of moving forward, and it's going to go right down your grounding cord to be released. Now this healing technique will feel so good to your body as it will also boost your grounding, which, of course, allows your body to feel safe. So this week I want you to be mindful of grounding and adding in earth energy. Pay attention to how your body feels as you add it in. It's time for Messages from your Higher Self.

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Okay, that brings us to the next segment of our show Messages from your Higher Self. And this week I sat down and asked Higher Self for a mini message for you with my animal oracle cards and I pulled three different cards. So now it's your turn to use your intuition, because there's an animal behind door number one, door number two and door number three. So which one is calling you? If you chose door number one, your higher self has shared a message through butterfly today, and your higher self wants to let you know that you are currently going through a beautiful spiritual transformation and you are being reminded that the body can sometimes view change as scary or as a death. So your job right now is to talk to your body and keep reminding it that there are beautiful, positive changes coming ahead.

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Okay, if you chose door number two, your higher self has shared a message through cat today. Your higher self wants you to know that it's okay to follow your own drummer's beat. You were born to be independent, a natural leader, and to not follow the crowd, so embrace your uniqueness and your strong ability to read a room. You came into this incarnation to be your own authentic self, so let go any worries of what the so-called others say about you. It doesn't matter If you chose door number three. Your higher self has shared a message through monkey today. Your higher self wants you to lighten up and play more. There's always going to be lots to do in this world, but that doesn't mean you have to always take life too serious. So your job is to add more fun. Turn within and ask your body body what do you want to do to shake things up? And remember taking time out to play is just as essential as exercises for your body. I hope you enjoyed your message this week. Have a question. Want some advice. It's time for Ask Joy Coach.

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Shannon. All right, that brings me to the next segment that will be on every episode and that is Ask Joy Coach Shannon, where I choose an email question from a listener and share intuitive wisdom that comes forward. So if you would like me to answer your question, you can actually go to my website, thehireselflifecom, or email me directly at Shannon at thehireselflifecom. The only requirement I ask is that you don't ask a prediction question, meaning I don't use my intuition to tell you when you're going to meet that special person, if you'll win the lotto or if you should leave a job. What I do best is look at questions from a healing perspective. So say, for example, you want help in understanding what your body's trying to tell you with chronic headaches, or you can even ask for more clarity on a healing technique I mentioned on the show. I can help you look at that. So, with that being said, I have an email from Gemma in the UK and Gemma writes Hiya Shannon, I hope you can help me.

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I'm a full-time carer for my elderly mom. She lives with me. I also have been in a relationship with a man for the last seven years who has his own place. We usually get along really well, but right now we are not doing so well. He is complaining that I don't do what I used to do for him anymore, like make homemade meals, special treats and go out. Basically, when he asks me to do anything, I'm just so knackered I say not tonight. On top of that, he has been putting in a lot of hours in his job and tells me that he just wants to have more fun and needs me to be there for him. This has caused a lot of tension and resentment. I feel very guilty, as I feel like I don't have any extra energy to spare. I love him, but there is a part of me that wants to push him away, just so I don't feel as bad. I know you say you don't do relationship predictions, but how the heck can I heal this? I mean, I have to take care of my mom, but I feel like I'm stuck. Help me get a spiritual understanding of this, please. Okay, hi Gemma.

Speaker 2:

So first thing, I want to validate how tired your body is. You are giving and giving and giving, and you said you're a caregiver for your mother. Oh, my gosh, everyone out there who is a caregiver whether you're a parent have somebody that you're working with that's disabled, sick or the elderly. That is something that requires a lot of energy from us, and it is so important to recharge our batteries. And so, gemma, when I look at you intuitively, your joy cup is empty. You're not taking any time to fill up your own cup, which means doing things that recharge your batteries, of course.

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Now, next, when I look intuitively at your partner, he appears to be going through the same thing. He's not taking care of a person, but he is working a lot of hours giving, giving, doing, doing, and, just like you, his joy cup is empty too, and I see in the past he would look towards you as someone who could fill up his joy cup through your cooking, spending time together, talking together. But right now, you have two people who have two empty cups and you're both coming together and clinking the cups, you know, like, hey, fill my cup. No, you fill my cup. And so when you have two empty cups, you can't fill each other's cup up. So you're both looking at each other with scowls of frustration, thinking this person doesn't make me happy anymore, there's something wrong with them.

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When the truth is, the healing piece that is coming forward is, it's essential that you both first start to turn within and ask yourself what do you need to help recharge your batteries? For example, gemma, for you, is there a way you can get someone to watch your mom for a couple hours a week so you can recharge your batteries in a way that feels good to you? For example, for you it might just be taking time off and breathing and doing nothing without any demands, or maybe getting a massage or your nails done, and you're going to find, as you do this, you will start to have more positive energy because your cup is getting filled and it won't feel as draining to give to you and you won't feel as guilty and angry and frustrated at those people around you. And the same goes for your partner. He needs to ask what he can give himself to help recharge his body. It can't just be asking it from you. So this would make a very healing conversation to have with him.

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In fact, when I tune into you both, you both have a lot of love for each other. You're both just out of balance and need to nurture yourselves. So my suggestion, gemma, is talk to him about this. You can use this as your starting conversation like hey, I sent this in, or maybe you don't want to, that's up to you, but anyway, have a conversation and come up with some solutions for connecting where both of your needs are being fulfilled, so it doesn't feel like it's only one-sided All right.

Speaker 2:

So, gemma, right now I want to do some energy work with you and those of you listening who match with Gemma feel free to do this healing right along. So I want you once again create a grounding cord from the base of your spine, send it all the way down into Mother Earth's core and attach, and then I want you to take a deep breath and, as you exhale, I want you to let go all of the stuck guilt, shame, feelings of resentment and anger you have at being the one who is taking care of everyone else's needs. Let that go without any judgment, and it happens instantly, with intention. Go without any judgment, and it happens instantly, with intention. Next, I want you to release anything in your space, down your grounding, that would get in the way of you giving yourself permission to listen to your body's needs, giving yourself some time to heal you, to take care of you, to fill your cup up so that you can feel like your true self. Let all that energy that blocks you from doing that? That could be programming from family, from society. You don't even need to know what it is, just let it go easily and effortlessly down your grounding and know it is safe and unselfish to take care of you too. All right, gemma, I hope that helps you can heal your relationship by first starting with you. Thank you again for sending your question.

Speaker 2:

Again I want to say if you have a question for me, please go to thehigherselflifecom and there you can send me an email via my contact page. And, of course, another way to keep in touch with my upcoming shows and specials is to sign up for my newsletter by visiting thehireselflifecom and signing up right there on the front page. For extra fun, everyone who signs up will be able to grab a psychic jukebox song message, and these are so much fun to create for me. When you sign up, simply visualize that you are in front of a big virtual jukebox and there's numbers 1 through 100. Choose the number you are drawn to, then send your number to me. When you sign up, I will then roll my 12-sided dice and look at which jukebox song list you get. I will then email you with your mini intuitive song message.

Speaker 2:

And again, if you want your psychic jukebox song, simply visit thehireselflifecom and sign up for my newsletter. Double check your spam folder to make sure it didn't end up there. With that being said, thank you so much for joining me today. Next episode we will continue with another body spirit communication topic. I look forward to helping you on your playful healing journey. You've been listening to the Joy Coach Shannon on the Playful Path to Healing. Remember you are amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, worthy, lovable and are here to shine your light.