The Playful Path to Healing
Welcome to "The Playful Path to Healing," where joy meets transformation on your journey to deeper self-awareness. Joy Coach Shannon, a certified Hypnotherapist, experienced Healer, and Intuitive Coach, invites you every Wednesday to discover how healing can indeed be fun!
Whether you’re a newcomer to spiritual practices or an experienced leader seeking to elevate your journey, Joy Coach Shannon offers energizing insights and techniques to connect with your Higher Self. She’s here to remind you that YES, healing can be fun! Each episode promises to uplift, empower, and inspire, leaving you equipped to embrace your own intuitive guidance and transformative healing. For more info about Shannon Connect With Higher Self | The Higher Self Life
The Playful Path to Healing
10 Signs You're Not Centered and What You Can Do About It
Join Joy Coach Shannon on Episode 5 as she continues with her Spirit Body Communication series. In this episode you will learn 10 signs that let you know you're not spiritually centered, and a spiritual technique to help you center. This technique will help you communicate with your body and see the world with a spiritual perspective.
Each episode you get to use your intuition to receive a spiritual message from your Higher Self, and we also have an email to answer intuitively on "Ask Joy Coach Shannon"
Thanks for listening! For more info, please visit www.thehigherselflife.com
Welcome to the Playful Path to Healing. I'm your host, joy Coach Shannon, and this is episode number five. If you're somebody who absolutely loves everything spirituality, intuition, healing and shining as your authentic self this show was created just for you and for those of you just tuning in for the very first time. I'm Joy Coach Shannon and I have been working as a spiritual teacher, intuitive coach, healer and hypnotherapist for over 21 years, and my passion is to help you connect with your wise, higher self so you can tap into your intuition and healing abilities to create an authentic, joy-filled life. And let me tell you, I have so many different tools that I use to help you, and now I'm following my intuition to share spiritual tools and wisdom on this podcast. And I really want you to think of this podcast as a fun spiritual healing school that helps you co-create with spirit, and because for me, working with spirit is so much fun, that's the playful part of it and each week I have a new topic and spiritual tool to help you heal and listen to your intuition. Now, in my previous episodes, I talked about how to use grounding and earth energy to help you heal and feel more present, and today we're going to be continuing with the Body Spirit Communication Series to help you, as spirit, co-create in your physical body. I want to share the spiritual technique of being centered Because once you have grounded yourself, the next important step to assist you in increasing your spirit body communication abilities is centering. Centering allows you, as spirit, to safely enter your body, see the world from a neutral spiritual perspective. And especially when we are centered, we don't tend to get caught up in the body's emotional dramas. We don't feel so judgmental about our lives or even anybody else's. We see things from a spiritual perspective. We can simply be, know ourselves as spirit and we can communicate to our body with more compassion and understanding. So, just like I did with the grounding episode, I want to share the top 10 ways you may recognize you're not really centered as spirit in your body.
Speaker 2:Number one you may feel really scattered. You might have trouble concentrating. You find yourself really constantly distracted, bouncing from one thing to the next, or you may feel like you're on an emotional roller coaster. You might have frequent mood swings or have overwhelming emotions. Also, not being centered, you can actually have physical discomfort in your body, for example tension, migraines, headaches, or you could feel overwhelmed and anxious. Also, another sign is indecisiveness. Maybe you're one of those who has difficulty in making decisions, where maybe you second guess yourself. And a big one that I see is negative self-talk. It's when you have that inner critic that's telling you that you're not good enough. Another thing could be lack of joy you might find yourself feeling dull, uninspired. Lack of joy you might find yourself feeling dull, uninspired or completely joyless. And another thing I've noticed when we're not fully centered, we may feel judgmental about our own creations or someone else's life creations. Another thing that can happen when we're not fully centered is we might have a lot of strained relationships, we might have frequent conflicts or feeling disconnected from others. And finally, a big thing is you may find yourself wanting to avoid introspection, meaning you might find yourself not wanting to be still, to go, turn within and meditate and self-reflect on life.
Speaker 2:So now that you know the signs that you have when you're not fully centered, let's talk about how you can actually center yourself as spirit. So, okay, I want you to do this spiritual technique right now with me. Okay, are you ready? So, first of all, just take a deep breath and exhale, and I want you to first create that grounding cord from the base of your spine and see it going all the way down to the center of the earth's core and attaching, and remember to strengthen your grounding at any time. Simply visualize sending more light and energy down your grounding cord. Okay, beautiful.
Speaker 2:And now that you're grounded, I want you to visualize you, that bright, beautiful spark of light that is you as spirit, above your head, and I want you to see you coming right down, gently, down, into the center of your head, right where your pineal gland is located. And don't worry, remember, intention makes it so. So just hold your intention to go right into that location. This is your sacred room of spirit and no one else's energy should be here. So just take a moment, just scan it, feel it, and if you notice it's crowded or feels dark or just doesn't feel right, simply use your grounding cord to release any energy that would get in the way of you owning the sacred space completely as spirit. Again, you don't even need to know what or who is in there to release it, just hold the intention to let it go, and it's so.
Speaker 2:Now here's one thing I like to tell my clients if you find yourself having any negative thoughts or what I lovingly refer to as stinking thinking here. I want you to just go. Okay. Thank you, I see those thoughts and I see you're just trying to help me, but this isn't serving me. So I'm going to release you down my grounding cord now and just see all that energy just effortlessly leaving your body. Now and just take a moment to illuminate the center of your head and fully own it as spirit.
Speaker 2:A fun technique I like to use to see how much I energetically own the center of my head as spirit is to visualize a number gauge from zero to 100.
Speaker 2:Now zero is going to represent not owning it at all, and 100 means you own it completely and you want to trust the first number that pops up in your head on how much you are owning it and then, without any judgment, simply release any energy until you see or have a knowingness that you are at the full 100%.
Speaker 2:And now that you're both grounded and centered, I want you to notice how you feel. Now, for me personally, I notice that when I'm centered, I look at the world through a spiritual perspective lens. I don't get caught up in my body's knee-jerk of emotions. Now, of course, this doesn't mean that my body's emotional needs aren't important, but I don't want my body to be the one running the show. I want me, as spirit, to run it, because this allows me to have more compassion, less judgment and just be able to express myself in a more authentic, loving way. So, this week's assignment, I want you to be mindful of centering yourself, especially in those moments where you find your body feeling overly emotional, scattered or even overwhelmed. I want you to take time out to ground and use the centering technique and notice the differences that happen by doing this centering technique.
Speaker 1:It's time for messages from yourering technique.
Speaker 2:All right. This brings us to our next segment of the show Messages from your Higher Self. And this week I sat down and asked my higher self for a mini message for you with my own Create More Joy, oracle cards, and I've pulled three different cards. So now it's your turn to use your intuition and I want you to visualize that you have three doors in front of you door number one, door number two and door number three and just turn within and ask yourself which door has a message for you. All right, if you chose door number one, your higher self has shared a message through the leg channels card today, and your higher self wants to let you know that it is safe to move forward on your next part of your journey. It also knows that change can be scary for the body, so spirit is encouraging you to release the fear that you have down your grounding cord. You can also use grounding and earth energy to clear your leg channels. Now, if you don't know how to do this, you can listen to episode number four of my podcast using earth energy to clear your fear. If you chose door number two, your higher self has shared a message through the recharge your batteries card today, your higher self wants to let you know that your body needs to move into a rest, recharge and rejuvenation mode. This is just as important as all the doing doing doing. It is in this space that you will find your new ideas start to come through. Your body is able to heal, and it also brings your emotional well-being into balance too. If you chose door number three, your higher self has shared a message through the listen to your body card.
Speaker 2:Today, your higher self wants you to pay attention to your body's needs. Remember, our bodies communicate to us through the use of emotions, physical aches, pains, accidents or illness. So take time out to turn within. Ask your body what it needs from you today to boost its joy and happiness. For example, when I turn within, my body says after work today, I want to connect with people and have fun. It doesn't just want to stay inside. So I'm going to listen, I'm going to connect with family today, and that should make my body happy. So ask your body what do you want from me today? Body, okay.
Speaker 1:I hope you enjoyed your messages this week. Have a question? Want some advice? It's time for Ask Joy Coach Shannon.
Speaker 2:All right, that brings me to the next segment that will be on every episode and that is Ask Joy Coach Shannon, where I choose an email question from a listener and share an intuitive wisdom that comes forward. So if you would like to ask me a question, you can go to my website, thehireselflifecom, or email me directly at shannon at thehireselflifecom. The only requirement I ask is that it's not a prediction question, meaning I don't use my intuition to tell you when you'll meet that special person, if you'll win the lotto or should you leave your job. What I do best is look at questions from a healing perspective. For example, let's say you want help in healing a relationship in your family. I can tune in and help you with a spiritual perspective and provide you with some tools. Or, if you want, you can ask me about a spiritual tool. I can give you more details to help you with that. So, with that being said, I have an email from Gloria from Texas, usa, and she writes Hi there, shannon, I'm grateful to have the opportunity to ask you a question.
Speaker 2:Mine has to do with my physical health. I'm a mom of four kids, work part-time as a mobile nail technician, volunteer at my kids' school and also watch other people's kids after school while their parents are at work. I've noticed that for the most part I have lots of energy, but then my body completely goes out of commission what feels like out of nowhere, for over a week at a time, with flu-like symptoms, colds and headaches. This is so inconvenient because I don't have time to be sick. I have too much to do. I've noticed that this pattern is going on more and more lately. I've been to the doctors and they just tell me that I've got the latest bug and it's probably from being around too many people. But I can't help but think there's more to it. Would love your intuitive insight on this. Ah, thank you for your email, gloria, and yes, I can provide you some intuitive insight for this. So, first of all, your email fits in perfectly with our Body Spirit Communication series, because when I tune into your question, I first see the symbol of a workhorse clairvoyantly.
Speaker 2:Gloria, you are working, working, working your body so hard each and every day, and I know you said that your body goes out of commission, what feels like out of nowhere, but I'm going to guess that your body was trying to communicate to you the entire time prior to you getting sick, trying to communicate to you the entire time prior to you getting sick. And remember, our bodies communicate to us all the time using emotions, aches, pains, illness and even accidents, and it starts off kind of like a whisper. For example, say you're going along and then your body goes oh man, I am really tired, I could really use some downtime Now. We want to listen to that and give ourselves some rest. But of course, if we ignore those messages, our body amps up its communication through mild aches such as sore feet, stiff neck, stiff back, tired legs, again telling us it's time to take a break Again. If we ignore this, your body will talk even louder and then it might develop migraines to help us slow down.
Speaker 2:And of course, gloria, in your case, your body spoke to you really loudly by getting sick, so you were forced to rest, take a break and stop being so busy. So, gloria, when I look at your full plate, it doesn't surprise me at all that your body tapped out with illness to take a break. And I'm going to say my intuitive feeling is that your body was trying to talk to you that entire time and it wants you to make sure that you are tuning into its needs, time, and it wants you to make sure that you are tuning into its needs. So, gloria, I would encourage you to practice each day telling your body first of all what it is that you're going to do for the day, and then I want you to ask your body what it needs from you in order to feel its best. For example, it may tell you Eat better, make sure to go to bed earlier each night, meditate each morning to recharge your spiritual batteries. You get my point. The key is to listen to your body ahead of time and especially if your body is saying oh my gosh, I'm so tired, can we have an early evening? Can we take this off our plate? Really listen and follow through with your body's needs, because when we do this, our body will not need to go into the extreme sickness or illness or the accident in order to slow us down, to get you to pay attention. So, gloria, your intuitive remedy is to practice daily spirit body communication. Ah yes.
Speaker 2:And one final bit I want to share is validate your body for all the stuff it does for you, especially at the end of the day. Just turn within, tap your knees and just say good job body for volunteering. Today you did amazing doing their nails. Today You're an awesome mom. You cooked a delicious meal for everyone. You're so creative. You shared great ideas with the school today. Because I'm going to tell you, when you validate your body's hard work, your body actually feels appreciated, valued, loved. So be sure to add that in too. Thank you so much for sending in that question.
Speaker 2:And if you also have a question for me, please go to thehigherselflifecom and there you can send me an email via my contact page. And of course, there's another way to keep in touch with my upcoming shows and specials, and that is to sign up for my newsletter by visiting my website, thehireselflifecom. Sign up right on the front page. And, of course, for extra fun, everyone who signs up will be able to grab a psychic jukebox song message. And oh my gosh, these are so much fun because when you sign up, you're going to simply visualize that you're in front of a big virtual jukebox and there are numbers one through 100. And you're going to choose the number that you're drawn to, then send your number to me. When you sign up, I'll then take my 12-sided dice, roll it and see which jukebox song you get. I will then email you with your mini intuitive song message.
Speaker 2:Again, if you want your psychic jukebox song, simply visit thehigherselflifecom, sign up for my newsletter and, of course, as always, double check your spam folder to make sure it didn't end up there. With that being said, thank you so much for joining me today. Next episode, we will be continuing with another body spirit communication topic. I look forward to helping you on your playful healing journey. You've been listening to Joy Coach Shannon on the playful path to healing. Remember you are amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, worthy, lovable and are here to shine your light.