The Playful Path to Healing

Learn how to Manipulate Your Aura to Boost Your Energetic Boundaries

Shannon Knight Season 1 Episode 6

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Join Joy Coach Shannon on Episode 6 as she continues with her Spirit Body Communication series.  In this episode you will learn how to manipulate your aura, so you can own your energetic boundaries.  Plus, you’ll learn a fun energy game to play to practice both detecting and manipulating your aura.

Each episode you get to use your intuition to receive a spiritual message from your Higher Self, and we also have an email to answer intuitively on "Ask Joy Coach Shannon"

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Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Playful Path to Healing. I'm your host, joy Coach Shannon, and this is episode number six. If you are someone who absolutely loves everything spirituality, intuition, healing and shining as your authentic self this show was created just for you. For those of you just tuning in for the first time, I'm Joy Coach Shannon and I have been working as a spiritual teacher, intuitive life coach, healer and hypnotherapist for over 21 years and my passion is helping you connect with your wise higher self so you can tap into your intuition and healing abilities to create an authentic, joy-filled life. And let me tell you, I have so many different tools that I can use to help you and right now I've been following my intuition to share spiritual tools and wisdom on my podcast, and I just want you to think of this podcast as a fun spiritual healing school that helps you co-create with spirit. Now I have to share. A lot of the techniques I will be teaching come from the long ago mystery school teachings that were kept secret, so this is very cool.

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Each week, I'm going to share a new topic and spiritual tool to help you heal and listen to your intuition. In my previous episode, I talked about how to center a spirit, so you can see the world through a spiritual lens, and to also communicate to your body. And today we are definitely continuing with the Body Spirit Communication Series to help you, as spirit, co-create with your physical body. And today it is all about your aura. So let me ask you are you someone who's super sensitive to other people's energies? Do you pick up others' emotions, maybe their aches, their pains? Do you sometimes feel really drained when you're around a lot of people? Well, you're in good hands, because today's technique of manipulating your aura is really going to help you own and heal your space. You see, your aura allows you to clearly define your energetic space around your physical body. It's an invisible, egg-shaped energy that completely surrounds your entire physical body in a bubble. Your aura can be really close to the body or it can expand an infinite amount.

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Now here are some signs that may mean you need to do some TLC on your aura. If, all of a sudden, you feel tired, drained, depleted, overly emotional or you're just not feeling yourself, I suggest doing some aura healing Now. Your aura can expand for miles and miles or be brought right in close to you, and the thing to remember is when our aura is out too much. We actually merge with all the other things and places and people that cross our aura, so this can cause us to actually pull in other people's energy, their thoughts, their emotions, and this can actually cause us to not really feel ourselves. Now, if you're anything like me, for example, if I go into big crowds, I tend to have all kinds of different thoughts that come popping up. One way to avoid this from happening is to manipulate your aura, especially prior to going into busy locations. Now, to do this, simply hold the spiritual intention to pull your aura in closely around your body, about 12 to 18 inches away from your physical body, all the way around in the shape of an egg, and make sure it's balanced under your feet, your head, your back and front. And remember you can adjust your aura anytime to help you own your energetic boundaries. Your intention makes it so and I have to share. I especially like to pull my aura in when I'm about to go into a really busy world, especially when traveling, getting on trains, planes because it allows me to own my energetic space and not take on everyone else's.

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I used to work as a school teacher with teenagers and I used to tell them all that we have a bubble, and not everyone likes people in their bubble, but I also shared with them that they can feel other people's bubbles if you're really mindful. So we would play the bubble game and this is really fun activity to help you validate number one, that you can manipulate your aura, but number two, that you can actually detect it with your hands or intuition. Now, to do this, you first want to have someone hold the intention to visualize their aura at a certain openness in the room, and when they're ready and they say, okay, I've got my aura set out at a specific place, I suggest that you rub your hands together to activate your hand chakras and next you want to slowly move towards the person while paying attention to how your hands feel. You want to continue to move forward until you feel where you actually feel their aura is located, and then, when you're ready, you want to let the person in the center know hey, this is where your aura is located. And many times when I did this, the teenagers were absolutely gobsmacked to realize that they could not only manipulate their aura by simply holding the intention of how far, but they could actually feel and sense other people's bubbles.

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So this week for extra fun. Make this a game. Practice manipulating your aura by visualizing it going way out and as it's out there, just feel how it feels in your body and then bring it in and notice the difference. And then I suggest you invite others to try to feel where your aura is and take turns. Notice where their aura is. And here's some helpful advice when doing the seeking of the other person's aura feel if you get any new sensations on your hand, such as like a tingling sensation or warmth or a cold, because when you first start to go out, you're going to. You want to go slow enough that you can notice this and you will find, as you practice you will get better and better at this. It's time for Messages from your Higher Self.

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All right, that brings us to the next segment of the show Messages from your Higher Self. And this week I sat down and asked my higher self from a mini message for you with my crystals, and I've pulled three different crystals for this week's message. So now it's your turn to use your intuition. I want you to visualize that there are three doors in front of you Door number one, door number two, door number three and each one has a specific crystal message. All right, if you chose door number one, your higher self has shared a message through the pink rose quartz today. This is the stone of unconditional love and it brings a gentle and soothing energy to your life. Your higher self wants you to know that it is time to open your heart and embrace self-love, healing and inner peace. The rose quartz is a beautiful crystal and it actually encourages you to release past emotional wounds and welcome forgiveness and compassion. So your higher self is reminding you that you deserve love and joy, and your higher self is here to support you in attracting and nurturing love in all its forms. Okay, if you chose door number two, your higher self has shared a message through black tourmaline today, and black tourmaline is a really powerful stone of protection and grounding, and your higher self wants you to know that you are safe and protected on your journey. This crystal works to shield you from negative energies and psychic attacks, creating a protective barrier around you, and it also helps ground your energy, bringing balance and stability to your life. So your higher self encourages you to release any negativity or fear down your grounding cord today.

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All right, if you have chosen door number three. Your higher self has shared a message through amethyst today. And amethyst is a powerful stone of spiritual protection and purification, and your higher self wants you to know that you are being guided and supported in your spiritual journey. And this beautiful purple crystal also enhances your intuition, spiritual awareness and psychic abilities. It helps you to clear your mind of cluttered thoughts and opens a pathway to higher consciousness and divine wisdom. So your higher self is encouraging you to embrace the calming and meditative energy of amethyst. Allow it to cleanse your aura and balance your emotions. Have a question, want some advice. It's time for Ask.

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Joy Coach Shannon. All right, that brings me to the next segment that will be on every episode and that is Ask Joy Coach Shannon, where I choose an email question from a listener and share intuitive wisdom that comes forward. Now, if you would like to ask me a question, you can go to my website at thehigherselflifecom or email me directly at shannon at higher self life dot com. The only requirement I ask is that it is not a prediction question, meaning I don't use my intuition to tell you when you'll meet that special person, if you win the lotto or if you'll leave a relationship or a job. What I do best is look at questions from a healing perspective. For example, let's say that you have been experiencing pain in your feet and you've been to the doctors and you want a spiritual perspective on it. I can help tune into that. Or maybe you've heard about a spiritual tool on the show or something else, and you can ask about that and I can help provide guidance. Or something else, and you can ask about that and I can help provide guidance. So, with that being said, I have an email from Lisa in Maine, usa, and she writes Hi, shannon, I have a question about my physical health. I have been experiencing a lot of lower back pain that doesn't seem to be going away. I do plan on going to the doctors and I know you will probably already tell me that but in the meantime, can you give me any intuitive wisdom to help me out? Thanks in advance. Of course, lisa. Now I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I have to share. Remember our bodies communicate to us using emotions, aches, pains, illness and accidents. So, lisa, with your back pain, it is your body literally shouting to you that it wants your attention. It needs something from you. Now, when I personally tune into Lisa, I get the feeling of like someone who lacks the feeling of being supported by the world. I also see the symbol of dollar signs, which tells me that finances can be something your body is worried about, especially if you're feeling it in your lower back as well. So, lisa, I want you to do some energy work right now with me, for starters and, by the way, those of you listening, you can do these energy techniques that I'm going to guide Lisa with, too, and you can work on your of you listening. You can do these energy techniques that I'm going to guide Lisa with, too, and you can work on your own self-healing with your own personal stuff, because I often find that spirit leads those people who need the healing to the show, so it's never accidental.

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Okay, with that being said, I want you to first create a grounding cord from the base of your spine and send it all the way down to the center of the earth core and attach. And next I want you to let your body know. Hey, body, I'm going to be listening to you. It is safe. We're going to be doing some energy healing. Remember, our bodies are like small toddlers or children and they love to know everything. They want to know what are we doing, where are we going, what's going on? So be sure to communicate to your body, all right.

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So now that you have let your body know what you're up to, I want you to first hold the intention to release all the energy in your space where your body feels unsupported, and that can even be the stuck. Your body feels unsupported and that can even be the stuck emotion of feeling unsupported. And for me, clairvoyantly, I see these emotions like little balls. So just visualize, okay, body, all feelings of unsupported are easily and effortlessly going right down my grounding. Okay. So see that energy going down your grounding cord easily and effortlessly and remember your intention makes it so. And next, I want you to let go any money fears you're holding on to and remind your body that you are powerful and you can create anything you need. Also, release any money fears you're holding on to that were gifted to you from people around you, especially parents, because our parents' beliefs, with their money, can affect ours. So if you're holding on to any of that, lisa, just go. Okay, all of that information that gets in the way of me. Knowing that I'm truly an abundant being, I release down my grounding now.

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And finally, lisa, I want you to zoom into the pain in your body and ask your body what it wants from you. What is it trying to tell you, besides what I've shared with you? I want you to be silent and pay attention to the emotions, the thoughts you receive. And remember, don't judge your body. This is just your body communicating to you. So imagine if your body gave you a message. What would it be? And when you do get that message, I want you to follow up with it, because many times, when we actually listen to our body and they feel hurt, the body will dial down the pain.

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So the important thing is is, if you ignore the body's wishes such as oh my gosh, I need a nap, or I need to release that task, or I need someone to help me do this, it will actually dial the pain back up again to get your attention. So do your body a favor and follow through, because this will allow your body to not only feel love, but it'll also build trust with you. Your body to not only feel love, but it'll also build trust with you as spirit that you will actually truly listen to it. Okay so, lisa, I suggest practicing listening to your body and, more importantly, following up with what your body is needing from you. Our body will even let us know if we actually need to go to a professional, such as a doctor, for further support. The key is to really listen without any judgment. Treat your body like a small child, listen with compassion and be super loving. Your body just wants you to listen to it.

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Thank you again for sending in that message, lisa, and if any of you have a question for me, please go to thehigherselflifecom and there you can send me an email via my contact page and, of course, another way to keep in touch with my upcoming shows and specials is to sign up for my newsletter by visiting thehireselflifecom and sign right up on the front page. And, of course, for extra fun, everyone who signs up will be able to grab a Psychic Jukebox song message and these every single time I do it. They are so much fun. So when you sign up, I want you to simply visualize that you are in front of a big virtual jukebox and there are numbers, one through 100. And I want you to visualize the number that you're drawn to and then send your number to me. When you sign up, I'll then take your 12-sided dice, roll it and see which jukebox song you get. I will then email you with your mini intuitive song message.

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Again, if you want your psychic jukebox song, simply visit thehigherselflifecom and sign up for my newsletter. Of course, double check the spam folder to make sure it didn't end up there. With that being said, thank you so much for joining me today. Next episode, we will continue with another body spirit communication topic. I look forward to helping you on your playful healing journey. You've been listening to the Joy Coach Shannon on the playful path to healing. Remember you are amazing, beautiful, gorgeous, worthy, lovable and are here to shine your light.